This week is World Kindness Day, so here at Conroy's Flowers Tustin we have put together 4 ways to honor world kindness day for yourself and maybe even your family. World Kindness Day was introduced in 1998 in observance of being kind to one another by the World Kindness Movement. This day is always on the 13th of November, but we hope that you are kind everyday! Observing World kindness Day can be done by doing any number of things, big or small however you can make a difference in someone’s day by being kind to them and by loving people you don’t even know. Some ways to be kind today are:
1. Tell people positive things all day: Spend today telling people you know, and people you don’t positive things about them. Compliment someone’s hair, tell your coworker she is glowing, remind your children things you love about them, spend World Kindness Day saying positive things about other people.
2. Send someone a random gift: Today try sending someone you know a small (or large) gift at random something that will make them smile. Try a beautiful bouquet like our All Smiles with whimsical keepsake mug is filled with a vibrant blooming plant, sending this for World Kindness Day will make anyone who receives it day. Sending flowers is a tradition on World Kindness Day because it is known that flowers make you happy and help help improve your mood.
3. Bring sweet treats: If you have time today bake your coworkers, boss, classmates, or Childs teacher cookies or cupcakes for World Kindness Day. If you are short on time try purchasing some mini candy bars and write a sweet note to accompany with them. You can hand these to random people you see and even people you know to tell them about World Kindness Day so they will want to be kind all day too.
4. Send a card: In today’s society sometimes sending a card seems a little slow or unforgotten, but writing a nice message in or on a card can do a long way. On World Kindness Day this year try writing a kind message on cards for people and give them to people all day! You will surely make someone’s day!
Keep in mind that everyone benefits when you are being kind, and that is what today is all about! Even when someone isn’t being the kindest to you, try being kind to them anyways! If you do something for World Kindness Day tag us on Facebook or Instagram! We would love to see! Conroy's Flowers Tustin also would love to help you pick out great arrangements for this super sweet holiday check out our other arrangements that can be picked up or delivered today!